Tagliarini With Fresh Cooked Tomatoes & Burrata

5 min. prep time

40 min. cook time


The dish of the summer! Farmer’s Market tomatoes, garden fresh basil and imported luxurious burrata come together in under an hour to create this simple, elegant and delicious pasta perfectly paired with your favorite chilled red.


  • 1 lb. fresh egg tagliarini pasta

  • 5 Tbsp. extra virgin olive oil (plus extra for drizzling)

  • 5 garlic cloves (thinly sliced)

  • 2 lbs. fresh small or round cherry tomatoes

  • Handful of basil

  • 2 burrata, halved

  • Parmigiano Reggiano, for the table


  1. Begin boiling your pasta water. 4 quarts of boiling water per pound of pasta. Add 2 Tbsp. salt to water.

  2. Thinly slice 5 cloves of garlic

  3. In a medium saucepan, heat garlic in 3 tbsp. of olive oil on low heat for 1-2 minutes

  4. Add your tomatoes and stir

  5. Continue to cook on low for 10-15 minutes, stirring occasionally until skins on tomatoes have loosened.

  6. Crush tomatoes gently with the back of a fork or wooden spoon and continue cooking for another 20 minutes on medium heat.

  7. Drop your pasta into the salted, boiling water and cook for 3-4 minutes until al dente.

  8. Remove pasta to the tomato sauce with a ladelful of pasta cooking water.

  9. Toss well, adding salt & pepper to taste.

  10. Stir in torn basil leaves (add more pasta water at this point if needed for consistency)

  11. Transfer to 4 individual pasta plates or bowls.

  12. Tear each half of burrata on top of each bowl and serve with parm on the side.

  13. Pairs beautifully with a light, chilled, summer red. Cheers!


Quadrucci With Squash Blossoms & Zucchini